Thursday, September 13, 2007

When it rains, it pours...

We were so excited for our first big (non-hospital) outing on Saturday. Gordon Conwell was holding a clambake (yes, LOBSTER!) for all of the returning seminary students. And all Rob needed to say was that lobster would be served, and he knew I'd be there rain or shine. Or so I thought. We arrived on campus, packed up the triplet stroller and wandered into the crowd to get into the food line. We noticed a few sprinkles while standing in line, then a few more, then really big drops, and then an all out downpour with lightning. Rob and Nana ran the boys into the nearest building, and I, the one obsessed with lobster, stood there. In the downpour. Waiting for lobster. Soon, thankfully, I woke up to the reality of the situation and ran inside with everyone else. We ended up packing the boys back up in the car and driving the hour back home, lobster-less (by choice). But it was for the best, and will definitely not be the last time we have to make a sacrifice for the boys.

In other news, I had my 6 week follow-up with the OB and all looks healed. Our doctor even took the time to explain to me exactly what happened during the c-section and why I need the emergency surgery, complete with drawings of the "uterine extension". He mentioned that we should not be anxious about what would happen if we got pregnant again. I would be considered high-risk and would be monitored closely and would need to have a c-section. I told him that if we were not in Boston, I would fly here for appointments because I don't know that I would trust my care with anyone else. But then, again, I woke up to reality and laughed at the thought of "pregnant again". We enjoyed a reunion tour of the hospital, visting the NICU, Labor & Delivery and post-partum nurses. We could not begin to thank them enough for all of their care.

Some photos of the boys at 6-7 weeks:

Daddy and the boys (from L-R: Winston, Wesley and Charlie)

Activity time (from L-R: Charlie, Wesley and Winston)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Soo sorry to hear about the lobster but glad to see the new pics. Can't wait to come up in October and see the boys. Maybe we can make up for the lobster then. ;)

'Bias and Lala