Thursday, June 5, 2008

Paneled playroom: 1, Me: 0

You may or may not know, but I've been dying to paint the walls of my home for a LONG time. The idea of painting makes me giddy. And besides the desire for more space and a home to raise our family, the whole reason to buy a place is because I haven't been able to paint in any of our rentals. I went out and bought the Benjamin Moore paint deck and I look at it at any free moment (I'm not exagerating). That's how excited I am.

Or was. Until I met the dreaded wood paneled room.

The idea of painting beautiful wood may make some of you squirm, but I hate the way it looks. And it's going to be the boys' playroom, so it needs to be fun and bright and playful. I had two days when Cortney was watching the boys, so I borrowed supplies from Ellie, went to the local hardware store, asked their advice about primer and got started. After two days, I was able to actually complete about 2/3rd the space (3 walls, no trim - I couldn't reach it without a latter!). But it was exhausting because it was just me. And it was so difficult to paint since between each panel is molding that runs vertically, with about 4 deep crevices. And the fumes from the paint were enough to disturb my asthma. So after a long, hard battle, I had to admit defeat.

The paneled playroom won. And I had to hire a painter to finish the job. I'm feeling a bit defeated. But in the end, we will have a yellowly-orange (that's right - it's a playroom!) with white trim and shelves. Take that panels!


Anonymous said...

Bring in the mercenary and win this battle!! That room needs new life!!!! What about the padding on the walls we all talked about. Have you picked the color yet? ;)

See you soon!

Anonymous said...

The joys of home ownership. When things don't turn out exactly the way you plan, you drop back and punt. Good luck. See you soon. Nanna