Wednesday, July 29, 2009

2 year stats

Grammy & I brought the boys to their 2 year pediatrician appointment on Monday. As the Dr and I tried to talk, the boys destroyed the office. So I don't really remember much of the conversation, other than we're going to face potty training this year. I am frightened by this prospect, so let's just assume it's going to happen next summer.

weight: 25lbs 5oz (18th %)
height: 33.5 inches (26th %)
weight: 25lbs 13oz (23rd %)
height: 34.5 inches (53rd %)
weight: 26lbs (25th %)
height: 35 inches (67th %)

Edited to add that the Dr diagnosed the fever/virus that the boys had over their birthday: Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease. It is very common and very contagious for young children. Thankfully, they are already feeling better and out of our self-imposed quarantine.


Mariclaire Buckley said...

Congratulations on your beautiful boys! I have followed your family from time to time because I have triplets who were born a month after yours and I also live in the Boston area. Mine are all boys too: Andrew, Henry and Edward. What is different about our families is that they had a 2 year old brother when they were born! I am finding this age to be the hardest yet-any secrets for how you get through it?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. Everyone is still on the chart. Nanna

Unknown said...

Hi Guys,

Happy birthday to the boys! Hope life in Needham is going well.

-Will and Veronique

Anonymous said...

I never knew human children could get hoof in mouth!!! Glad you didn't shoot them.