Friday, March 12, 2010

Ask a stupid question...

So Rob was giving the boys a bath a few days back, and he engaged in the following conversation with Charlie:

Daddy - Charlie, do you love me?

Charlie - No no. I love dumping water in my bucket.

Nice job, Chuckles. Good luck getting the bucket to put money in your college fund.


Anonymous said...

HA! I love it!! And, Rob and Ginger, we love you more than dumping water in our bucket.

To Lo Li

Anonymous said...

Don't you love the pecking order of kids! What a truthful answer for the moment. One day he will realize you guys pay the water bill which allows him to have water for his bucket!



Anonymous said...

I love lamp!

(tell Charlie he can bring the bucket to church... pass it around at the "appropriate" time... I'm sure he'll get his college tuition in no time! :)

Anyway, that's why you had 3, right? In case one didn't love you? So there's still one kid to love each of you, so quit complaining! :)
