Friday, August 31, 2007

Bigguns' at 5 weeks

The visiting nurse came for her last visit yesterday. The boys are getting big! They now weigh in at:
Winston: 6lbs 10oz, 19 inches
Wesley: 6lbs 8oz, 18.75 inches
Charlie: 6lbs 14oz, 19.25 inches

Their due date was September 6th. So by the time we hit that, they will be the size of average singletons at birth. It is very exciting that they have already outgrown Preemie diapers and the Preemie and Justborn sized clothes.

They are eating so much now, they are officially members of the "Clean Plate Club". They will down a (large) bottle in no time and then start to gnaw on their hand as if we never fed them in the first place. Again, it's just shocking they'd have such appetites considering their parents....

We have been blessed with the company of Rob's Uncle Raymond. He has already changed numerous diapers, fed hungry bellies (including ours), and most of all, already pulled an overnight shift on his second day here! I was able to sleep for over 6 hours straight! We are going to rotate nights so that everyone will be able to sleep through every few nights. Unfortunately, I think we're guaranteeing that he'll never return for a visit...

(I promise to provide photographic evidence.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear all is well and you're getting some rest. The boys are cuter and cuter each day! And I can't believe how BIG they are. All wonderful news. We're thinking of you in Jersey. Ellie

PS Is Uncle Raymond available to come to our house?? We're at 4 months and I don't think I've gotten 6 hours yet! I guess I'll have to name my next one after him, then maybe we can get him to take a shift in the Ward household. ; )