Best of all, they got to experience Boston when the Red Sox won the World Series. Hear that Lizzie and Uncle Raymond? What curse? Yankees who? :)
Gigi and the boys

Gigi meeting Win for the first time (Winston was named after Rob's grandfather, her late husband)

Traci and the boys (who apparently wanted to look like jailbirds...)

Enjoying eclairs from our local bakery

Love the pics. So nice to see VA Bunns and Boston Bunns together. Haricut looks great Bubbybell!
I may have to call DYFS to get those boys out of "Red Sox Nation" during their highly impressionable years while they are still unscathed! And I thought you & Rob would be good parents... ha! Raising a child is not all about providing a loving home, food, clothing, and sleep you know! There are such things as morals - as in, which team to root for!
Doesn't VA have a baseball team? (See, I don't even know, because there are the Yankees and then those "other" teams - the "not the Yankees..." But I'd be OK with them rooting for the "not Red Sox," too!)
And I just gained a new found respect for Uncle Raymond. Does he also like the Yankees, or does he just not like the Red Sox? Either way, he's OK in my book!
(Off to buy 3 sets of Yankee paraphernalia...)
Oh yeah... and are those PINSTRIPES I see on your boys???
Those boys are never lonely! They must have set a record for # of visitors in their first 3 months!!
Happy Halloween!!! were the jailstripes just practice for costumes tomorrow? (I don't really think they look like jailstripes they seem very stylish, but that is what the caption says...)
Happy 3 months!
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