Friday, December 21, 2007

Hello Visitors!

You may have noticed that we added a fun little widget to the left. It lists the location of the daily visitors. I don't know what is more cool - that we have about 30 stalkers, I mean visitors a day, or that we've had visitors from India, Brazil, Austria, Panama and England (hi Lon!). I'm also very impressed how many people are here from New Jersey! Hi Jersey! I just hope you're not all Yankees fans like Lizzie. Feel free to leave a comment to say hi and let us know you're here.

Next stop on the Virginia tour? Boykins - home of Uncle Raymond and delicious peanuts. According to Southeastern Virginia is the only place in America where you can find large peanuts cooked in the "home-style" tradition. Yum!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi!! christy here, i'm the stalker from panama!!! well orlando florida originally, but when the hubby works for smithsonian, you kind of get stuck here! i had to make myself (and my country) known.