You would think that the sound of silence would be music to our ears. But no. Silence means that there is trouble. While I was in the kitchen fixing the boys' breakfast, there was pure silence in the playroom. Typically there are the sounds of fussing and screams over toy stealing or falling down. So I peaked into the playroom and saw (for the first time) all 3 boys standing on the big green chair, looking out the window. They were giddy. The back pillow was on the floor (which I'm hoping they did on purpose to break their fall). By the time I grabbed the camera, Charlie was already on the floor playing with another toy.

Besides climbing on the furniture, the boys' new favorite "toy" are their Red Sox hats. As proud members of Kid Nation (thanks Jamie & Meg!), every time they put their hats on, they parade around the room. It's hysterical to watch them literally march around, so proud. Now every time I say "hat", they touch their heads.
Wes & Win marching around the room


Wes, Win & Charlie

This is too cute!!! I love the pics and can imagine how cute they are when they strut in their hats.
Were the boys looking out the window and planning how to get outside??? very cute pictures!! They look great in the hats!
Gone are the days of the three angels sitting contently in their seats as you read. May the Lord bless you, may He keep you sane, and may He give you the strength to endure the next two years.
You are in our prayers daily, Nanna
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