We just returned from a quick trip to the Cove (Maine). What was supposed to be a 4 day summer excursion with the boys turned out to be a day and a half (plus 7 hours of driving) in the rain. The boys did great in the car - we planned the trip around their nap, but they only slept for 45 mins each way. The rain really limited our trip, and I won't get into the absolute frustrations of being stuck inside a new space (to the boys). But it was hysterical that when we put them down for the first night, they were so excited to be in pack 'n plays right next to each other, that they jumped around and laughed and played for at least a half hour. We dubbed this playtime "The Monkey Party".
But the boys did get to meet their cousin (well, 2nd cousin once removed) Caroline. This is the longest they have ever sat for a photo. The trick? Snacks.
Win, Wes, and Charlie waving hi to Caroline, as she rests her chin on his shoulder

Win, Caroline, Wesley and Charlie

Winston sharing his snack with Caroline

And we took the boys out to dinner to Shaw's Fish and Lobster Wharf, where they enjoyed an entire meal of french fries. And Wesley discovered a new love for tartar sauce.
Wesley the Lobster

Winston the Lobster

Charlie the Lobster (doing his best Evita "Don't cry for me Argentina" impression)

The best part about our 3 and half hour drive home in the rain was arriving home to Grammy and Poppy, waiting to help take care of the boys! We got to enjoy a family Father's Day dinner together. Happy Father's Day!