But first, I wanted to share the thoughtfulness of cousins Ann & Abby. They decided to have a lemonade stand - well, lemonade delivery - in Virginia (you can read about it here). They were so considerate to think about Win, Wes and Charlie, that they send a box with all the lemonade supplies all the way to Maine so we could enjoy their lemonade!
Opening the box

Abby's precious note

Making the lemonade with Grammy

Wesley loving his lemonade - he quickly asked for seconds!

Charlie loved that Elmo was on his cup!

Winston enjoying his treat

Then we decided to share the wealth and walked up to see cousins Christian and Alexandra. We explained to them how the lemonade was sent from cousins Ann and Abby - for us all to enjoy!


Thank you Ann and Abby! We loved our lemonade!!
I just love, love, love the note from Abby!!
This is too cute.
when are the pictures of brayden coming out
Oh yay! The girls will love seeing this! Didn't you just love the sign that Abby sent! So precious!
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