The boys just had their 2 month pediatrician appointment, filled with a weigh-in, shots, etc. They are now:
Winston9lbs 7oz, 21 inches
Wesley9lbs 6.5oz, 21 inches
Charlie 9lbs 9oz, 21.5 inches
So as you can see, their reflux isn't getting in the way of their eating. The dr was a bit shocked by their growth. Apparently most babies double their weight by 6 months. These boys more than doubled their weight by 2 months. And this means they are now on the growth charts for "normal" babies! Granted that means that they are in the single digit percentile, but they are on the chart. She was confident that they would quickly make up ground at this rate. And speaking of their reflux, their Zantac prescription was increased to match their weight gain. Quadrupled, to be exact. She said that with the old amount, it was as if we were giving them water. Fantastic. No wonder they have been so fussy!
Win and Wes also have terrible bacterial infections in their bums. Before you go thinking we're horrible parents that don't change their diapers, they apparently have something called a "superbug" that made it's way into exposed skin of a slight diaper rash. And then just took over. It's so bad, Rob has dubbed it "anal leprosy". We now have a prescription that will hopefully help this because the previously suggested Neosporin has not made a dent. Superbug. I love these medical terms.
When the dr was explaining the different shots, we asked if they were given the RSV vaccine. (RSV is a respiratory virus that we've been warned about due to their prematurity.) She mentioned that they would not get it just yet because they would have to work with our insurance company to make sure its covered. Rob mentioned to her that even if its not, we'd be willing to pay for the shot because it is so important. The sweet dr just smiled and said, "It's $3,000 per shot. Per child. And they need one shot a month from October to April." So, we're just going to wait and see if the insurance company will cover it...
Speaking of ridiculous medical costs, our running total for medical costs for the triplets (pregnancy, birth, etc) is $278,000. And counting... Thank you insurance!