Their amount of awake and alert time has grown dramatically over the last week. Which is great, as long as it's during the day. Their favorite developmental toys and activities so far are: pulling hair, staring at bright lights, enjoying (or hating) a breeze, looking at the baby in the mirror (they must think our house is filled with babies, which to some extent it is...) and trying to rip out their eyeballs.
Charlie making faces

One of these kids is doing his own thing
It's a good thing there isn't a sound track to this photo. You can imagine that Wes was none too pleased with his predicament. And yes, despite all that, we took a photo...




I cannot thank you enough for the pictures!! I love Wes' smile (well, I am sure at this point it is really gas, but we will take it as a smile). All of them are so precious!
Hugs and kisses,
I can't believe how much they've grown! They're all so adorable!! I love the comment about them trying to rip out their eyeballs! I remember my sister doing stuff like that when she was an infant, and crying so hard! We'd be like, well, stop pinching your earlobe and the pain will stop! Ah, so precious!
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