It seems like the boys age a year every week. We have a hard time remembering back to when they were only 4lbs. They are such little men with big personalities already. I hate the thought of labeling them, because they all change labels all the time.
Right now, we're witnessing Charlie's need for constant movement. Every morning, we will find him in a different position in the crib: upside down playing with his bunnies, on his side hugging the bumper, feet sticking out, etc. And even tonight during his last bottle, he kept sitting up by pushing off the boppy with his elbow.
Wesley is a fantastic eater. We always put him in the middle booster seat so that we each get a chance to feed him. It's adorable to watch him throw his whole body forward to take a bite, especially while we're coaxing the other two just to open their mouths for cereal! And he loves the bath and water. Just tonight, he spent the entire bath leaned over in his seat to splash with both his hands and feet. I ended up soaked, as did the floor.
Winston rolled over from his back to his belly yesterday! He has great physical control. It amazes me how long he can sit up unassisted. Poppy and I spent some time helping Win "walk" in between us. We would hold him under his arms and he would literally take steps back and forth between us. Looking back, I don't know why we would want to rush his mobility!
We just feel so blessed that they are still such content boys. Teething and reflux have made life a little interesting, but if that is the worst of it, we're doing okay.