Our dear friends Mark and Lesa have a beautiful girl, Ava, who is just a few weeks younger than the boys. They were in town visiting last week, so Lesa brought Ava over for a playdate. It was so good to see them as always!
The little beauty

Wesley became enamored with Ava. I seriously have never seen him so happy!

Wes nuzzling Ava

Look at that smile on his face!

Ava and Win playing in the ball pit

Lesa and Charlie
Wes' bump on his head seems to be healing nicely! Thanks again for having us new moms over to hang out :-)
Wes's first crush!! I am so happy for him. I hope you know other little girls for Win and Charlie, don't want them to be jealous!
Cindy M
We've already started warning Eden about those little ladies' men you've got there. So true. :)
Thanks for the great pictures Ginger! Ava and I had so much fun hanging out with you guys. It felt like we'd never get there! Hip hip hooray for determined mommies and old station wagons. :o)
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