Tuesday, January 27, 2009

18 months old

I cannot believe the boys are a year and a half old! We are closer to their second birthday than we are to their first. Time is flying! Poppy came to the pediatrician appointment with me to help watch the boys so the doctor and I could talk. The boys are right on track - running, throwing, climbing, kicking, talking, eating, etc. Charlie continues to excel verbally, with his list of words up to 80+. When I mentioned this to the doctor, she immediately said this was off the charts and to not compare Win and Wes to this (who are right on track with their 15-20 words). It is wonderful to see how each of the boys have their own personalities and excel in different areas. I'm so proud of how well the boys did during the exam - they were calm and curious and barely cried when they got their shot. So now for the stats!

Height: 32 1/4 inches (49th percentile)
Weight: 23lbs 10.5 oz (21st percentile)

Height: 32 1/4 inches (49th percentile)
Weight: 23lbs 14 oz (24th percentile)

Height: 32 3/4 inches (64th percentile)
Weight: 23lbs 4 oz (17th percentile)

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