This week has been a doozy. We started with a foot of snow, making us housebound for 2 days. Winston then started with a runny nose, which turned into a fever, and was quickly passed along to his brothers. The boys seemed like they had finally stabilized, so Saturday night, Grammy & Poppy came over so Rob & I could have a date night. We drove into Boston and saw Slumdog Millionaire (first movie we have seen in over a year!!) and then went to our favorite tapas restaurant. It was wonderful! But when we returned, we learned that Charlie had taken a turn for the worst. He woke up screaming, so I slept with him in the recliner all night. And I use the term "slept" very, very loosely. He's had a fever of 101 for the entire weekend, but this morning was the first chance we had to take him to the doctor. It turns out he has a severe ear infection in both ears! So he is on antibiotics and lots of tylenol.
The upside of last week was that Charlie started to say his own name, as well as his brothers' names! It is the cutest thing!
Before they all got sick, the boys enjoyed parading around the house in Daddy's t-shirts...

Wesley, Charlie and Winston

The boys enjoy making each other laugh

Bird watching
1 comment:
Tell Charlie that he and his cousin Ann are kindred spirits. She woke up this morning saying her ear was sore and they called us from school at 10 am saying she had a low fever and red, swollen ear. When I got her to the doctor's office at 2:20pm her temp was 101.6 having been on tylenol for 2 hours and he said it was a monster ear infection (we knew something was wrong because she was not eating). He said it is so bad her fever could stick around for 72 hours. She started antiobiotices this afternoon so she is honestly feeling Charlie's pain!
We love you!
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