Always in search of activities to do with the boys, I have been trying to introduce the boys to crayons and stickers. Winston loves taking two crayons in each hand and scribbling away. Wes and Charlie will scribble for a short time, but ultimately the crayons end up in their mouths. So I've tried giving them stickers. Charlie loves to put all of the stickers into one large pile, while Wesley like to stick them all over the page. Win is still trying to figure out the whole sticker thing and often tries to fling it off his finger instead of putting it on the paper.
Winston pointing out the green crayon on Charlie's face

Charlie the green monster

I asked Winston to smile for the camera. This is what he did.

Wesley and the purple crayon (most of the crayon is in his mouth)
Purple and green!!! What great colors!!!
Haha! Apparently they are the tastiest!
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