It took the boys 3 whole minutes to turn their playroom into a scene out of Hoarders. A step could not be taken without stepping on a toy. They now refer to the couch as their trampoline and they have learned to strategically throw all of the pillows on the floor as jumping targets. This is the same couch we used to sit on to feed them their 30ml bottles. Oh how things have changed!

We are in the process of setting up Liam's playroom. Oh, what we have to look forward too when all the Bunn cousins get together to play!!
How brave you are? Today we got play mats for the floor in the sunroom and wire to close off the section of the fence where Julep could escape. We are getting ready for the "fun" to begin. Of course, the Living Museum is only 5 minutes away. Lots of room for them to explore there. Love Nanna
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