The boys went sledding for the first time on New Years Day, while we were out at Grammy & Poppy's house for our final Christmas celebration. They loved it!! Wesley, Charlie and Win all wanted to go down on the sled at the same time. Winston and Poppy Charlie having a snowball fight with Poppy Wesley Winston Grammy took a turn on the sled! Daddy and Win spin out
Looks like your kids had fun in the snow! My name is Abigail Pogrebin; I'm an identical twin and former 60 Minutes producer who just published a book about twins called "One and the Same." I think any parent of twins or multiples will find much to chew on and maybe some guidance as to how to dodge pitfalls of doubleness. I'd love to speak to you about the possibility of a book review and/or author Q&A. My email is,
We are proud parents of triplet boys and one puerto rican street dog named Julep. Daily life consists of changing up to 15 diapers, fixing 12 bottles, playtime, Goodnight Moon, dog park romps, laundry, consulting work, seminary school work, and thanking God for all these blessings.
Looks like your kids had fun in the snow! My name is Abigail Pogrebin; I'm an identical twin and former 60 Minutes producer who just published a book about twins called "One and the Same." I think any parent of twins or multiples will find much to chew on and maybe some guidance as to how to dodge pitfalls of doubleness. I'd love to speak to you about the possibility of a book review and/or author Q&A. My email is,
I love these pictures. Looks like a lot of fun!! Love seeing the boys playing in the snow!
Lala xx
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