At the start of February, the boys (one by one) came down with a horrible virus. They had fevers of 102-103 for 4-6 days each, along with an awful cough. It started with Charlie, and I made the mistake of calling the doctor early on and getting the advice to come in if it got worse, for an extended time. And as Charlie started to get better, I figured it was just a bad cold. But it took two weeks for all the boys to get better. I am not exaggerating: we were housebound for 13 DAYS! Awful.
Sick activities? We built a fort out of a parachute, built cars out of cardboard boxes, painted, put stickers everywhere, etc.
We had about 2 weeks that the boys were healthy - and now they are sick again!! All the boys were fighting a cold, but Wesley has had a fever again nearing 103 for 4 days and his barking cough was back, so off we went to the doctor. After a nebulizer treatment, we were given an antibiotic to treat an ear infection and possible pneumonia. Pneumonia! Oof. Poor guy.
Poor boys and poor parents!!! So sorry that you are dealing with this. At least here is it 73 degrees and we can escape outside for fresh air!!
Hope everyone gets well soon!!
Lala xx
So sorry this has been a long, sick winter for the Bunn family. Here's hoping you all recover soon and that you get a nice, LONG stretch without another cold. We're jut down the street, let us know if we can help.
-Ceci, Paul and Connor
We have been sick all year too. First it was colds and then the stomach bug that wont go away. Ugh!
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