One year ago today, we innocently went in for our first ultrasound to see what we thought we thought would be one baby. Maybe two. My HCG levels from my blood tests had been very high, so we suspected that there was a chance that we had twins, but even then, the nurses and others always said the levels didn't predict the number of babies. During the ultrasound, I thought I saw a glimpse of three, but figured that I had no way of knowing what I was looking at (it kind of resembled a moon...) And then we heard the doctor say, "I'm so sorry, there are three heartbeats." Sorry?? Rob and I started laughing hysterically. We were overjoyed and shocked.
The doctor's response led to a discussion on multifetal reduction (to abort one or two), which we immediately rejected. It was shocking to us that right after seeing three healthy heartbeats, that this would be the advice we would get. A "congratulations" would have been preferred! Unfortunately, we were advised to abort again and again, all because of the
chances for health problems, and worse yet, because of the social stigma and economic strain of triplets. There is no guarantee with the health of any child: single, twin, triplet, whatever. Can you imagine? We were told that nearly 50% of parents of twins+ in the Northeast choose to reduce, although this is far less common in other parts of the country. It breaks my heart. I cannot imagine our lives without these three, wonderful, HEALTHY little men.
On a more lighthearted note, the night before we found out we were having triplets, we watched the "Multiples in the Womb" program by National Geographic. We sat back and laughed, never thinking it would be us. They featured a woman who was 6ft tall who was pregnant with triplets. They kept talking about how her height and torso length would help her carry triplets. I told Rob there was no way I could carry triplets seeing as though I'm 5'4 with a torso as long as an ant. Little did I know!
But here we are! So to celebrate, we are going to give the boys solids for the first time today!