Last night, we got to experience the downside of Charlie's new rolling. He rolled onto his stomach in the middle of the night, but did not remember how to get himself back onto his back. (The boys have not slept on their stomachs since the NICU.) For an hour and a half we played this game of him wailing, us flipping him back over, him rolling back onto his stomach, wailing, repeat. By 3:30am, we decided Charlie would have to learn to sleep on his stomach. It was heartbreaking to listen to his cries, but incredibly disturbing when he would stop crying because we both thought the worst had happened. By morning, we found him sleeping on his stomach.
Charlie, all smiles after a nap

Win & Wes playing is more amusing to Charlie than the happy jumper

Wes on the move. Head down, butt in the air, legs moving

Wes & Win

Somebody should really put pants on that boy... The funny thing is that they were all lined up on the two blankets when playtime started.
Precious boys!
Phyllis ( just another lurker) :)
Hey Bunnsters! I can't believe the boys are 6 months old!! They are so adorable...Its so much fun to watch them become more of themselves. As I'm typing this Miss Ava is wiggling in my lap and yelling a conversation with a picture on the wall and becoming frustrated that it won't talk back! Miss you guys!
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