We spent a wonderful and restful few days with Grammy & Poppy for Easter. The boys had their first church nursery experience on Easter morning, which was unlike any I had ever seen. We checked the boys in at the front desk, they were given name tags (for their backs - brilliant!), and we were given a beeper in case there was an issue during the service. They did great! I, on the other hand, would not stop staring at the beeper until Rob ripped in out of my hands and clipped it the to pew.
Win, Wes and Charlie all dressed up for Easter
(Thanks Aunt Ellie for the fun hats!)
The Fam

Winston, Wesley & Charlie with Grammy & Poppy

We took the boys on a walk around the yard. Here's Win taking it all in, with Daddy and Wes in the background

Poppy & Charlie

Eating dirt & flowers
Happy Easter to you too! The pictures are great! What happy smiles on the boys and they are growing so fast!
Thanks for the updates.
Aunt Jane & Uncle John
What a great day! Those boys are adorable. seriously.
Thansk for keeping us all informed. BTW, have you been to http://www.neoworx.net/blue/index.php?tool_id=33886 lately (the homepage of you visitor-country-counter)? On that site, your blog is listed as the Lieblingsblog (German! for Favorite Blog).
Cool Stuff!!!
Ahh... the hats look so cute!! I bought them so long ago - glad they fit. Owen had the same one for his trip to Church. Too bad they weren't together for a photo. They look so cute. Ellie
Man, you guys take the best pictures! Those are precious!
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