My favorite comments from the walk (besides the typical: "3!", "triplets!", etc):
"God bless you"
"Are they all yours?"
"A buddy of mine has triplets. But wow, that's one hot ticket." (He then proceeded to punch me in the arm.)
"That's a lot of babies!"
"Can I take your photo with my cell phone?" (At least she asked. So we stopped and posed.)
"That's the best stroller ever!" (Said by a 12 year old boy on a scooter.)
[Police car pulls next to me, rolls down window] "Hey you! I have twins" [Police man yells, holds up 2 fingers for clarity.] "I can't imagine 3..."
"Oh wow, triplets" Then the group of people proceed to cheer and clap as I walk by. (At this point, it was late in the day, so there were not a lot of runners to cheer, so they decided to cheer me on.)
Rob and I ended the day by grilling out with the boys. This was actually their first time playing outside! Nearly 9 months old and this is their first time playing outside. As you can see, we all had a great time.
The boys

Julep, enjoying being outside with her pack

Charlie feels grass for the first time

Big smiles for Win...

...and Wesley

Daddy and his boys

Mama and her little men

Charlie and Julep have a face-off over a ball

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