So the house. OUR house. God-willing, this will all work out. We are currently set to close on the house in June, so it is far from a done deal, but it's all moving along. The house is only two towns away, closer to Grammy & Poppy, my dear friend Ellie and fam and Rob's new job (which he'll start full time in May). It is in a wonderful family-oriented neighborhood and has a wonderful backyard for Julep and the boys. We will miss our current neighborhood and friends nearby, but we couldn't ask for a better home for our family.

Our buyer's agent extraordinaire/friend/fireman was working at the fire house just up the road from our apartment. So the boys baked the firemen cookies, donned their caps and we walked up for a visit. They got to see the fire engine, lights and all, and were so in awe that they barely broke a smile.
Preparing for the trip (quickly outgrowing their infant seats)


Win (not amused, saying "Seriously Mom? The hat?")

Chuckles (aka Charlie)
Love seeing the house. Praying that all works out. Gonna have to print the pictures for Granny. She loves those hats!!!
Lala xx
Congratulations! You have so much going on at once. Best of luck on all of it.
Anna Marie, Amanda, Angela, Jerry
Ginger, not sure if Rob told you or not, but I grew up on Parker Road, just one street away from your new place! Let me know when you want me to introduce you to all the new neighbors! It is a great neighborhood! I am so excited that I will continue to be able to sneak real peeks at the boys! Good luck with the move, and I hope to see you around the park before you move!
Karen and Buoy
Hi guys,
Looks like life is keeping you busy and blessed. Sorry I was not around for your departure from work, Ginger. I'll tell you what's been up on our front via email, and meanwhile, we'll be praying all works out on the house- looks like a great one!
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