I had a wonderful birthday last Friday. I woke up to the smell of my favorite coffee brewing, and got to sit down with my four favorite men for a breakfast of bagels with lox, cream cheese, capers, red onion, and lime. Valerie came for the morning and I left to treat myself to a pedicure and a few (fun) errands - like buying cupcakes! I spent the afternoon at the park, meeting up with a friend with twins and other twin moms. (The boys were hysterical. Wes kept finding and handing rocks to a random grandfather. Charlie wanted to stir his stick in another girl's sand bucket - she was not happy with this. Even when I got him a bucket of his own, he only wanted to play with hers. And Win joined us in the sandbox and proceeded to throw sand on the girl's mom, which she thought was funny.) After the boys went to bed, Rob got take out from our favorite Thai place and we proceeded to play with my gift - a Wii!
So backing up, the day before had been very trying. The boys were just screaming left and right, starting fights, throwing tantrum after tantrum. But the kicker was when (in his crib) Win decided to pull down his diaper and pee everywhere. Covering about a quarter of the room. And all this was before 11am.
But I would have traded everything for that awful Thursday, when on Saturday, I woke up with the stomach flu. Thankfully, it only lasted about 36 hours, but it knocked me out. And thankfully, it was a Saturday, so Rob was home and able to care for the boys without any help from me. But all is better now!