Winston's and Wesley's hair had become so long, I'm sure it was hard for them to see. I had cut their hair at home on two occasions, but this time we needed to bring in the professionals. It was time. So Poppy came over to help me bring them to our local Supercuts. The boys only cried for the first half (it all started when they sprayed their hair), but once they realized they had lollipops (a first), all was good.
(Wesley on left, Win on right)


All was better once he tasted the lollipop! He kept saying "nummy nummy".


Win overhearing the ladies in the back saying how cute all the boys are! Notice Charlie just hanging out in the background.

Charlie loved this experience. He hung out, watched the haircut show AND got a lollipop.
Just came across a multiple preemie family in the U.S. who has a preemie-related video about their kids in a contest that could get the video on the Discovery Channel and win them a trip to Disney for their family. They need the most daily votes by May 10th to win at . Theirs is the one on the left. Please ask your readers to help out if you'd be willing!
They are all getting so big!! Time to get up to Boston for a visit so they remember who we are!!!! We will start flying again when Joe Biden tells us it's safe to go into confined placed. :)
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