We put Winston and Wesley to bed tonight with their sleepers on backwards. We're hoping that with the snap and zipper in the back, they won't be able to undress themselves like they did this morning.

Wes and Win romping in Wesley's crib as Charlie was being changed

Wesley trying to figure out why the feet of his pjs were backwards
I knew you two would not take it sitting down!!
Boys: 1
Parents: 1
I am so glad we can learn from you guys! Better than all the books!
What a fantastic idea! I'm sure we'll break that out in couple of months. Oh, and I ordered that book you told me about on Tuesday :-) So far, so good!
I am a new mother of quads, and a friend of Carl's from Iowa. Ihope you don't mind that he shared your blog with me. I have loved reading about your journey...many parts of it were similar to my own.
Blessings to your family!
Just got caught up on the blog!! It's been months and I needed some laughsssssssssssss. Wow!!!! How the boys have grown--just precious. Wishing you ALL a Blessed and Happy Easter. Hugs to you all. Lima & Limpa aka Marilyn & Tom
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