A little background...when I was pregnant (and getting ultrasounds at least every other week), we discovered that Wes had a "full" kidney. Because kidney issues are often common in siblings, all of the boys received kidney ultrasounds when they were about 6 weeks old. Charlie was cleared of issues, but Win and Wes were scheduled for a more invasion procedure, a VCUG (when they were about 6-9 months old). This involved a catheter, contrast dye, xrays, and very unhappy babies. This test revealed that both Win and Wes had Vesicoureteral Reflux. We were told that they would probably outgrow this by the time they go to school, and if they didn't, they would need surgery. They were both placed on daily amoxicillin, for the past year, to prevent urinary tract infections and kidney damage.
So last Friday, Grammy and I brought the boys back to Children's Hospital for their yearly kidney review (this time and ultrasound and RNC for each). We just received the call from the urologist that they are BOTH CLEAR OF ANY KIDNEY REFLUX!! They have been healed! God is so good. We threw out the amoxicillin and are rejoicing. It is truly a miracle and answer to prayers that they were completely healed (especially since they had grade 2-3 on a scale of 1-5). Thanks be to God.
I brought Win and Wesley into the RNC test individually, and they both did great. The doctors were amazed at how they reacted to the test identically to each other. And said both did a phenomenal job getting through the test. As a prize, they each got a pair of sunglasses (which they didn't take off). The doctor even made sure to send home a pair for Charlie too!

The only time Wesley removed his was to watch the TV (doodah) behind me.

As a treat, Grammy & I brought them out for ice cream at JP Licks. They each got their own kiddie sized soft-serve vanilla ice cream - for lunch!


God is good!! They have been walking miracles since day one. We are sooo happy to hear this news. Love the pictures. Can't believe how quickly they are growing up!! This also gives us a sneak peak into what Liam will look like in a year's time!!
Love to the Boston Bunn!!! xxoo
Such great news! Thanks for sharing!
Such great news! Thanks for sharing!
Praise God! I can't even imagine what a relief it feels like to be completely cleared. I love the sunglasses and ice cream, too!
That is so awesome Ginger! I am so happy for you guys. I know this is such a relief. You have perfect, beautiful boys.
What great and wondorous (and miraculous) news. Where the hands of doctors and nurses end the Hand of God begins.
We can certainly testify to that after this past week!
WE love you!
And hey, they are starting to look too grown up! You stop that!
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