Us: Winston, how old are you going to be on Saturday?
Win: Green!
It still cracks me up. In other funny expressions, Charlie has come up with a few of his own. Instead of saying "no", he says (every time) "no not". And "more" is "more again". "Yes" is "okay", but only after he suckers you into saying what he wants:
Charlie: (Jumbled toddler words) Gabby big doodah more again (more jumbled toddler words)
Me trying to interpret back to him: You want to watch Yo Gabba Gabba on the big doodah (our big tv)?
Charlie: Okay!
Wesley's favorite expression right now is "MINE!", while pointing at himself. I won't elaborate on how I feel about this...
In other news, one of our amazing neighbors dropped by yesterday with balloons and cookies for the boys' upcoming birthday. These balloons kept them occupied all day!
You will notice that there were 4 balloons: Win claimed the yellow and purple stars, Wes had the cars, and Charlie had the white star

Wesley and Charlie

Winston and Wesley

Charlie (doing his best interpretation of a male model)

Then Win stole Charlie's balloon and ran into the living room

Then Wes joined him and they tried to hide behind the sofa cushions


Happy 2nd birthday LIttle Men! Rob and Ginger...congratulations surviving two years! Now year 3. Can you believe it?
I love it! Especially hiding behind the sofa with the mylars clearly visible. :) You made it to 2! Now on to 3! Congrats to everyone!
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