We are back from our 4 month pediatrician appointment. The boys are officially off of the high calorie Neosure formula, and we don't have to fortify (add formula to) their breast milk anymore. Yay! So now we can actually buy formula in bulk at Costco!
And they are off the high calorie formula because they have grown so much...each gained nearly 5lbs in 2 months. What is amazing is that these growth chart percentiles are for their actual age of 4 months - not their adjusted age of 2 and half months! You'd never know they were 4lb preemies!
Winston13lbs 14.5oz - 29th percentile (2 months ago he was in the 8th percentile)
24 inches - 16th percentile (2 months ago he was in the 3rd percentile)
Wesley14lbs 1.5 oz - 33rd percentile (2 months ago he was in the 8th percentile)
23.9 inches - 14th percentile (2 months ago he was in the 2nd percentile)
Charlie14lbs 7.5oz - 41st percentile (2 months ago he was in the 9th percentile)
24.2 inches - 22nd percentile (2 months ago he was in the 9th percentile)
Other than that, Charlie and Wes have a little eczema, so we'll need to lube them up with some Eucerin. Win will get this as well since what one gets, all get. Reflux is the culprit for their poor eating (which you'd never know with how big they are), so we were given increased Zantac dosages. She also encouraged us to stop waking them for their nighttime (midnight) feed, but to let them sleep through. They'll probably need to still eat in the middle of the night, but it's good that they wake themselves if they need to. But again, what one gets, all will get. The boys are also getting smart and learning that if they cry, they will be held. So she told us that we need to stop rocking them completely to sleep, but put them to sleep a bit drowsy and then the dreaded "cry it out" and to not pick them up in the middle of the night (like settling them, putting them in the swing, etc). We'll see how all that goes...