Imagine the venerable Bishop of Boykins sitting on a stool in the bakery's kitchen being grilled on Bible stories! Answer a question, get an eclair! Needless to say, he came home with a HUGE bag of goodies for us to share. We are glad he knew who made the axehead float.
Having Uncle Raymond back gave Rob a much needed chance to start cramming for the GRE, an exigency because he takes it on Tuesday. Rob was ebullient to be able to spend so much time studying and the alacrity with which Uncle Raymond tended the boys made it easy to commit them to his care. It is not hyperbole to say that he was indispensable over the last week. [Can you tell who wrote this??]
Gruncle with Win, Wes and Charlie

Floor time for all the boys

Each one is now about the total weight of all 3 at birth!

By far, the funniest photo we've seen of Wes. We swear he doesn't weigh 400lbs...

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