The boys went to sleep at 8:30pm and didn't wake to eat until 7am! So you'd think we'd feel more well rested, but we were both up settling one of them at 10:50pm, 2:30am, 3:30am, and 5:30am before they were awake and ready to eat. We are working on breaking them of their swaddle habit, and giving them a little prune juice so that they will be a little So that should help with their non-hungry fussing at night.
And for your amusement, we've learned not to write thank you cards when sleep deprived. Or else you write things like "The boys also enjoy playing with their balls - they are the perfect size for their little fingers."
Sorry about that Stephanie and Steve!
Oh my goodness, I laughed out loud at this one. Thanks Ginger, I needed that! :o)
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