On a side note, Charlie had a Dr appointment last week and was weighed and measured. With his clothes on, he weighed a whopping 13lbs 6oz and was 22 inches long. Even if his clothes added a pound, he is still well over 12lbs. This means they more than quadrupled their birth weight in 3 months. Most babies double theirs by 6 months. Our boys are certainly growing!



Grammy Spa time Complete with moisturizing massage and manicure (well, an attempt to file down their claws). I try to explain to them how lucky they are to have this luxury!

Poppy holding a clean Charlie

Gigi holding a clean Wes

Poppa, When does Poppa get to come back?
They are so adorable! I can't get over how BIG they've all grown! And they're all so handsome! Ava gives two thumbs up! The Bunn-y Halloween costumes were so precious! We're all looking forward to seeing you guys!
XOXO The Lorussos
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