Winston is quickly becoming very mobile. He is getting up all his hands and knees and often looks like he is doing yoga poses. He still gets around by squirming, pivoting and rolling, but not for long. The other day, he was sitting on the floor in front of me. He turned around and pulled himself up on me to a standing position and proceeded to squeal with delight. The other major change for Win is that it seems like he's developed a bit of a sensitivity to new places. At both Rob's graduation and my new mom's group, he was fine when I was holding him, but then when I was out of eye-shot, quickly melted down and could not be consoled for nearly an hour. So we're going to work on bringing them new places and making sure we are holding or in view of Win. This really surprised me since it came out of nowhere, but I guess this is common at his age.
Wesley is also more mobile. He can get around so quickly with his pivoting and rolling. He will get on his belly and quickly kick him legs and move his arms, so he is close. He is curious - he will reach under the chair and pull out toys or find the wires under the jumper. But he is also content to sit in one place and play with the toys around him (which I appreciate!). And the moment you pick up Wes and stand him in front of you, he will start jumping. Seriously, the boy would jump all day if he could. It was so sweet to witness Win and Wesley interact the other day. While I was changing Charlie, Win and Wes were in the crib together, facing each other on their bellies. They would rub their heads together and then look at each other and smile and giggle. I can only wonder if this is what they used to do in the womb.
Charlie is always on the move. And I mean always. He is even like a pinball in his crib when he is sleeping. And he is not stopped by blockade. Yesterday, I put an exersaucer in front of the recliner so he wouldn't climb up on it or crawl on Julep's bed, so he figured he could crawl through the exersaucer to get to the other side. He is crawling on hands and knees, climbing on anything and everything. (In the time it took to write that sentence, he climbed up on our packed boxes, the outside of the happy jumper, the coffee table - where he almost reached the coffee mugs and magazines, and now he's eating my slipper. No, now he's in my lap because he tried to eat my power cord.) But the best is the pause before getting into something he shouldn't where he looks back over his shoulder at me and smiles. Also, Charlie has started signing "more" during mealtime!
Taking photos of all 3 is nearly impossible as they don't stay on their backs. I was able to take one photo. (L-R: Win, Wes & Charlie)

This is what the rest of the time was like...

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