Today the boys went to their very first birthday party. Our dear friends Ellie and Kevin's kids Owen and Lucy turned 1 and 3 respectively. This was the first time the boys met Owen and Lucy.
And to say hello, Owen crawled over and sat on Wesley. Charlie saying hello Then Owen left Wes and Charlie and sat on Winston Lucy preparing to blow out her 3 candles Owen and his dad blowing out the candle (or grabbing the candle, in Owen's case)
We are proud parents of triplet boys and one puerto rican street dog named Julep. Daily life consists of changing up to 15 diapers, fixing 12 bottles, playtime, Goodnight Moon, dog park romps, laundry, consulting work, seminary school work, and thanking God for all these blessings.
Congratulations on your blessings.
I like to sit on my friends too. But I had to stop around middle school!
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