Winston likes to spend every moment practicing pulling himself to a standing position. But he only knows how to do this with one of us. So the other day, using our fingers to pull up on, he stood up in the crib!

And it seemed like on Saturday, Wesley just bloomed. In one day, he started babbling the "mamama, dadadada, babababas" and was making forward progress on the floor. He will pull his legs up under him and push himself forward. Whereas Win is starting to crawl more military style.
This move cannot come soon enough. The 3 boys and I are stuck in the living room (with door closed), completely out of space. Charlie is all over everything and knows that when I put him in the jumper its because I need to contain him so I can go warm bottles. And the toddler seats to their stroller should arrive in the next few weeks, so we'll be able to take walks again!
1 comment:
Ginger, I saw your mom and dad at the Gavin's last Fri. She gave me this blog to read. I have spent the weekend reading it all!!! Your boys are precious. I can't imagine your days and nights!!! You look so much like your beautiful mom. Love the new house..I hope you keep writing, it is such a gift to your boys...imagine them reading it to their children. Sherry Borg
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