They also have decided they much prefer finger foods over baby food. Apparently it takes too long for the spoon to come around again when I'm feeding three. So this is helpful in that I don't have to spoon feed them anymore, but it means I'm constantly cooking. We are still introducing new foods and we don't eat at the same time as the boys, so I'm basically cooking 7 meals a day (3 for us and 3+snack for them). And they eat A LOT. You would think they are growing 16 year olds. I can't begin to grasp how much worse our grocery bill is going to be! At least they will be off of formula in 6 weeks!
Here are some sweet photos from today.
While on the jumper, Wesley started laughing hysterically for 5 minutes straight. (Look at all those teeth! He just got his third bottom tooth.)

Winston thought it was funny too.

And I swear there is a smile behind Charlie's hand. (He's chewing on his finger since he's teething- his next two bottom teeth are on their way.)

And in other news, Rob has his first overnight business trip since the boys were born. The timing couldn't be worse as we are moving on Saturday, but it is what it is. Say a prayer for us! And last weekend Rob took Julep to the vet because I felt a lump on her left side. Four hundred dollars later, they told us it was part of her rib. How that happens on one side, and below her ribcage is beyond me. Great timing all around!
Hang in there, Ginger. You might want to call Rob and play the baby monitor a couple times a night while he is gone. Don't want him enjoying uninterrupted sleep too much!! ;)
When it rains it pours. If you can maintain your sanity for a couple of years, things will start getting better. Hope that is at least some encouragement. Hope you survived the night. See you soon. Nanna
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