Half the reason I was so excited to move into this house was to have a bathtub in which we could bathe the boys. In the apartment, we were still bathing them one at a time, in a bath seat in the kitchen sink because we had a bathtub with those glass doors and medal sliders. So tonight was our first attempt at bath time - for all 3 at the same time. It is amazing how fast we were able to bathe them! Previously, it took us 45mins- 1 hour (with the ones who were left waiting often fussing because they were, well, just waiting). I think it took us not even 30 minutes from start to finish. Although, I do think we benefited from the fact that it was new to them and that next time they will try to crawl and stand and maul each other and splash and play. But we'll take it. Below are some PG photos... Yes the tile are pink. And better yet, the trim is black!
(L-R: Wesley, Win & Charlie)

The boys' new bedroom. (Thanks Ellie for the reminder than it's not a "nursery" anymore!)

Bedtime bottle. I have no clue what we'll do when they outgrow their bouncy seats! Good thing they go to 25lbs...
Great to hear you are enjoying your new space!! That color wheel paid off - the playroom and the boys bedroom look so cheerful!!
Hey, they all are looking sooooo cute.... I Cant just take my eyes off them
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