The boys had their 15 month pediatrician appointment today. This was the first doctor's appointment that Rob has not been able to attend (that darn work gets in the way...). But Valerie, our part-time nanny, was free to help us out. Having her with us was an answer to prayers, as the boys were quickly trying to destroy the office as I was talking to the doctor.
The big news is that for a little over a week, the boys have dropped down to one nap. The upside is that they can now stay awake for longer periods, so I can take them out grocery shopping, to play group, etc. But the downside is that I now HAVE to take them out at least once a day. They quickly need a change of scenery or they get exceptionally fussy and start to crash.
The boys are changing all the time - often trading off who is the most active, verbal, happy, fussy, etc. So this is just a recap of where they are right now. They are such curious, sweet boys. Once one of them tries something new, the others have to try it right away (good for putting blocks back in the bag, bad for hanging on the oven door to try to open it.) Have I mentioned how active they are? They eat like 16 year olds and yet they have lost a little weight due to their activity level. But overall, they are all right on track!
WinstonWeight: 21lbs 8oz (13th percentile)
Height: 30.5 inches (34th percentile)
Win has become fearless! He was the first to climb up the couch and chairs (and first to fall over the side of the couch). The look of accomplishment on his face when he mastered this climbing was priceless. He saw the slide at the park and went down head first without a thought. He is also usually the first to smile and wave at strangers (such a change from his stranger anxiety phase!).
WesleyWeight: 21lbs 12oz (15th percentile)
Height: 30.6 inches (37th percentile)
Wes is hysterical - he has started pointing at everything he sees and says "DAT", as in "What is that?" and "I want that". So our typical conversation...(Wes) DAT. (Me) That's a light. (Wes) DAT. (Me) That's a chair. (Wes) DAT. (Me) That's your brother Winston (Wes smiles, waves at Win, then continues) DAT... He also loves his chair climbing, and has taken it to another level by rocking the chair back and forth. Wesley has the funniest sideways wave, and he will happily wave to strangers as we walk through the store.
Weight: 21lbs 4 oz (11th percentile)
Height: 31.5 inches (67th percentile)
Charlie enjoys constant activity and exploration like his brothers, but truly loves his books. He is content to sit in a quiet spot, flipping through book after book. He also loves to practice every word he hears. He shocked us when he said "stah" when he saw an image of a star. I have no idea where or how he learned this. Charlie is definitely half Virginian/half Bostonian: he sounds like he has a southern accent when he says bye (buyyeee) and sounds like he is straight of Boston when he says car (cah). His vocabulary is amazing. I would guess he says about 15-20 words, which is normally where 18 months are. Charlie is normally the last to warm up to strangers, but once he does, he is smiling, waving and trying to make everyone laugh.
*Edited to add that we just counted some of the words that Charlie says and we're now over 30!