Lala and Bias found a website that creates a baby based on the photos of the mom and dad. Here's what our baby would look like, according to Volkswagen. I guess he kind of looks like Charlie - if Charlie weren't cute and kind of scary looking.
Yeah, the Babymaker is a hoot. 'Bias and I started making our celebrity love children last night. I am glad to say that 'Bias and Julia Roberts child looks just like 'Bias and my baby. I also learned that Liam Neeson and I would have a very cute kid. Ioan Gruffudd and I would have a decent looking kid. James Franco and I NEVER need to reproduce. That kid was scary!!!!
We are proud parents of triplet boys and one puerto rican street dog named Julep. Daily life consists of changing up to 15 diapers, fixing 12 bottles, playtime, Goodnight Moon, dog park romps, laundry, consulting work, seminary school work, and thanking God for all these blessings.
Yeah, the Babymaker is a hoot. 'Bias and I started making our celebrity love children last night. I am glad to say that 'Bias and Julia Roberts child looks just like 'Bias and my baby. I also learned that Liam Neeson and I would have a very cute kid. Ioan Gruffudd and I would have a decent looking kid. James Franco and I NEVER need to reproduce. That kid was scary!!!!
So Josh and I did the babymaker and our baby looks an awful lot like your baby...hmmmm?
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