Winston the Bear

Wesley the Lion

Charlie the Elephant

It was unseasonably warm tonight (50s!), so Grammy, Poppy and I brought the boys out for a walk in the neighborhood. It was too early to do any trick or treating, but it was fun to look at the decorations.

The pack

But their favorite part of the night was playing with their costumes at home. They loved putting them on and tearing them off (themselves and each other).
Wes as the Bear (As a side note, I bought scissors so we can cut their hair this weekend...think they need it?)

Charlie as the Lion

Winston as the Elephant

Just wanted to add that Rob and I headed over to our neighbors garage (Grammy and Poppy offered to stay and watch a movie). Everyone congregated for drinks after all the kids went down. And we had the greatest time. We've met folks in passing and all seemed nice, so this was the first time we've been able to spend time and get to know them. And it was a ball.
I love these pictures. Great costumes too!!!
Much love to everyone
Too cute. Next year will be the year. The first time they connect saying "Trick or Treat" and getting candy--it is all over!
Last year our neighbors got together after trick or treating, but this year half of them didn't even have on their lights. Including Lori who thought people would come up if she had her pumpkin aglow. Thanks for the pictures. Nanna
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