Rob thinks I'm crazy, but I like to let the boys try to eat their liquidy foods on their own - to give them practice. Good thing it was a bath night!
Winston enjoying his yogurt. Charlie trying to figure out the spoon. It was so cute to watch him dip one end into the yogurt and trying to eat off the other end. Wes alternating between spoon and hand.
I love it!! 'Bias needs to see stuff like this to understand that Liam will occasionally get really dirty. :)
We had days in Calypso when we just put a big plastic tarp over Ann's high chair and the entire floor and just let her go at it. Spaghetti the first time was some of the best pictures we ever got. Noodles and sauce where literally in every crease and crevice on her body. Messy in the moment but some of the best memories--and she had a ball by the way!! Traci
We are proud parents of triplet boys and one puerto rican street dog named Julep. Daily life consists of changing up to 15 diapers, fixing 12 bottles, playtime, Goodnight Moon, dog park romps, laundry, consulting work, seminary school work, and thanking God for all these blessings.
I love it!! 'Bias needs to see stuff like this to understand that Liam will occasionally get really dirty. :)
We had days in Calypso when we just put a big plastic tarp over Ann's high chair and the entire floor and just let her go at it. Spaghetti the first time was some of the best pictures we ever got. Noodles and sauce where literally in every crease and crevice on her body. Messy in the moment but some of the best memories--and she had a ball by the way!!
Ginger they are just precious! I love the pictures. Can't believe how big they are!!!
Hope you are doing well. I bet you are loving Fall in your new home.
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