Thursday, May 22, 2008


The good news is that in less than a week, we will be homeowners. Next Wednesday, we will sign away our life savings (thankfully they are not requiring our firstborn). The packing has begun, but it is a slow process. Thankfully, our wonderful part-time nanny, Cortney, has been able to watch the boys so I can pack, run off to the bank to deal with the money for closing, etc.

The bad news is that the boys have moved up their wake time. They seem to be making a habit of waking up at 4:50am. That's not morning, that's still the middle of the night! So, we're not exactly well-rested. Rob is now officially back to work full time. I definitely miss having him home with us (even if he was upstairs working or studying). But I'm thankful for how blessed we were to have the boys' first 9 months together at home, let alone my pregnancy/bedrest. People always asked us how we would survive having triplets while Rob was in school, but it turned out to be best thing possible for family.

In the 3 hours it has taken to type this post, I have had to chase down Charlie 7 times, bounce Wes on my lap, move the box that Win managed to straddle, stop and take the boys in the kitchen to feed them breakfast, sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider and The Wheels on the Bus, change them, read to them and put them down for a nap...


Anonymous said...

Just three hours to posts, you've got this thing down pat! ;)


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the packing/move!! The boys will love their new house so much that they will sleep in.

I miss you!
Cindy M

Anonymous said...

Whoa! This sounds too much like the boy I raised. We'll hope they go back to their wonderful sleep pattern. Good luck! Nanna