Today I am 33 1/2 weeks and have the belly to prove it. (On average, triplets are born between 32-34wks.) When we first found out, I tried to imagine just how large and in charge I would be. (I'm a towering 5'4 with a very short torso.) Now I'm actually in that reality, and I feel it - I measure as if I'm 12 months pregnant. So I put together a timeline of my belly (with space at the bottom because the boys and I will hold out a few more weeks...right boys?).
My big beautiful belly, home to three 4 pounders:
My big beautiful belly, home to three 4 pounders:
(And maybe I'll finally figure out how to make this image larger by their first birthday...)

I like how the top row has 5 pictures but the second and third only have room for four!
Are we allowed to comment here? I mean all we have is TWINS. Yeah- I remember when just having two was cool...thanks for one-upping us. Ginger - you look great! HMFB.
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