Wesley, Charlie and Win just had their 12 month pediatrician appointment. Developmentally, you would never know these cuties were 34 week preemies! They are all right on track with other 1 year olds physically, verbally, socially, etc. Winston & Wes are right on track verbally by saying mama" & "dada (in the right context). Win also says banana (well, more like nananana). Charlie is enjoying practicing new words and imitating us. So far he has also said - in context - all done (though it sounds like ah duhhh), orange (orrrrun), banana (nana), more (muh), book (buh), yogurt (guh guh), and he'll say lalalalala into the microphone and ahchoo after sneezes. It amazes us how many phrases the boys understand: "go get the ball", "come to mommy/daddy", "no" (they know what this means - but they look at us and laugh or ignore us when we say it!)
But the best part - NO MORE FORMULA! The boys are moving onto whole milk. Although we'll save a lot of money, we're seriously looking into buying a second refrigerator. We also don't have to worry about avoiding any foods (like honey, peanut butter, egg whites, shellfish, etc), so that means they will get to try lobster when we go to Maine!
So the weigh-ins...
20lbs 9.6oz - 18th percentile
29 inches - 23rd percentile
20lbs 15.8oz - 22nd percentile
29.5 inches - 39th percentile
20lbs 1oz - 12th percentile
29.25 inches - 31st percentile
And unfortunately, the boys are now 3 for 3 on getting sick after birthday parties. So they are miserable little men right now.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Thank you Cortney!
Cortney has been our part-time nanny since the boys were 7 months old. She is the one who encouraged them to hold their own bottles so they could all be fed at once by one person, and introduced baby sign language during mealtime. Having her here allowed me to pack us for the move, unpack the house, freelance a few hours, get out of the house and do fun things like go to Costco, etc. She is off to college in New Hampshire, and now we begin our search for a babysitter.

Monday, July 28, 2008
The birthday boys enjoyed their first (official) cupcakes. I say official because Rob has been known to sneak them a little cake and icing at other celebrations...
Singing Happy Birthday!

Blowing out the candles (Wes kept trying to grab the candle to put it out)

First bites!

Poppy helping Wes

Winston enjoying his cake

Charlie loved the cake so much, he started clapping with it

The aftermath
Singing Happy Birthday!

Blowing out the candles (Wes kept trying to grab the candle to put it out)

First bites!

Poppy helping Wes

Winston enjoying his cake

Charlie loved the cake so much, he started clapping with it

The aftermath

Sunday, July 27, 2008
Birthday Party!
On Saturday, the boys celebrated their birthday with friends and family. We pulled out the kiddie pool and hammock and enjoyed our new backyard.

In the kiddie pool with Owen & Lucy

Win cooling off in the water

Charlie contemplating the ball

Wes dumping water over the side

Owen discovered his own way of playing with the water

Lucy, Miriam, Bias, Wes, Winston & Poppy

The backyard (with Ellie, Noah & Lisa in the foreground)

Grammy with my cousin Gretchen & Nick's 3 week old, Thomas

Enjoying the food

Wes, Charlie & Win attacking Grammy (the Food Lady) for hot dogs - with Julep on the prowl for scraps

Wes & Carl

Lucy & Lauren enjoy some hammock time

Charlie & Win enjoy some Daddy time

Bruce, Lala, Wes, Traci, Charlie, Gretchen, Nick & Thomas

In the kiddie pool with Owen & Lucy

Win cooling off in the water

Charlie contemplating the ball

Wes dumping water over the side

Owen discovered his own way of playing with the water

Lucy, Miriam, Bias, Wes, Winston & Poppy

The backyard (with Ellie, Noah & Lisa in the foreground)

Grammy with my cousin Gretchen & Nick's 3 week old, Thomas

Enjoying the food

Wes, Charlie & Win attacking Grammy (the Food Lady) for hot dogs - with Julep on the prowl for scraps

Wes & Carl

Lucy & Lauren enjoy some hammock time

Charlie & Win enjoy some Daddy time

Bruce, Lala, Wes, Traci, Charlie, Gretchen, Nick & Thomas

Friday, July 25, 2008
Happy 1st Birthday!
Happy Birthday Winston!
Happy Birthday Wesley!
Happy Birthday Charlie!
Birthday breakfast with Mommy & Daddy of pancakes and clementines

As you know, we took the same photo of the boys every month. We decided to stop after 11 months since posed photos were no longer an option. So we went with something a little different to mark this special day. Thank you Edwards' for the fantastic "1" shirts!

Quite a change from their 1 month photo!

Also, for their first birthday, we asked an old college friend who is now a professional baby photographer (Boston Baby Photos) to come photograph the boys. So if anyone is interested in purchasing professional pictures of the boys, just let us know! I'll post some photos when they are available.
Birthday boys eating peas. They actually kept their party hats on for the entire meal!
Happy Birthday Wesley!
Happy Birthday Charlie!
Birthday breakfast with Mommy & Daddy of pancakes and clementines

As you know, we took the same photo of the boys every month. We decided to stop after 11 months since posed photos were no longer an option. So we went with something a little different to mark this special day. Thank you Edwards' for the fantastic "1" shirts!

Quite a change from their 1 month photo!

Also, for their first birthday, we asked an old college friend who is now a professional baby photographer (Boston Baby Photos) to come photograph the boys. So if anyone is interested in purchasing professional pictures of the boys, just let us know! I'll post some photos when they are available.
Birthday boys eating peas. They actually kept their party hats on for the entire meal!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Everyone is walking!!
Wesley took his first steps today!
Winston took his first steps today!
All 3 boys are walking before their first birthday! This afternoon, I was in the playroom with the boys. Cortney had mentioned that she saw Win talk a few steps, so I couldn't wait to see his new skill. So I sat on the floor, trying to get Win to "walk to Mommy". But the next thing I know, Wesley comes over, stands (stands!) with his back to the chair and takes his first few steps towards me! We practiced for awhile, and the next thing I know, Winston wants to show off his new skill. So he pushes off from the couch and walks towards me! I was so excited to capture this moment, I balanced the video camera on the cabinet. As I replayed the video (the boys were fascinated to watch themselves), I noticed that Charlie had planted himself in the foreground, staring at the camera with his finger up his nose, while Win & Wes where in the background with me showing off their walking.
Walking before 1 year! You'd never know these little men were 6 weeks early and preemies!
Winston took his first steps today!
All 3 boys are walking before their first birthday! This afternoon, I was in the playroom with the boys. Cortney had mentioned that she saw Win talk a few steps, so I couldn't wait to see his new skill. So I sat on the floor, trying to get Win to "walk to Mommy". But the next thing I know, Wesley comes over, stands (stands!) with his back to the chair and takes his first few steps towards me! We practiced for awhile, and the next thing I know, Winston wants to show off his new skill. So he pushes off from the couch and walks towards me! I was so excited to capture this moment, I balanced the video camera on the cabinet. As I replayed the video (the boys were fascinated to watch themselves), I noticed that Charlie had planted himself in the foreground, staring at the camera with his finger up his nose, while Win & Wes where in the background with me showing off their walking.
Walking before 1 year! You'd never know these little men were 6 weeks early and preemies!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
For us, this blog is not only a way to update friends and family, but it is a gift to our boys. We wanted to give them a keepsake, in addition to a traditional baby book. We are printing the blog for the boys, from their birth to their first birthday. And assuming we keep up with this blog, there will be additional books for every year. So imagine my giddiness when I found Blurb that creates books out of blogs!
If anyone would like a copy of the Bunn Boys' First Year, please let us know and we'll let you know the cost.
If anyone would like a copy of the Bunn Boys' First Year, please let us know and we'll let you know the cost.
We have a walker!
A few days ago, Charlie took his first steps! He started by standing for his own for a few seconds. He then would hold onto the side of the exersaucer and would turn and throw himself forward to me. We would play "Walk to Mommy" and he would cruise down the side of the couch and then "walk" to me at the end. And the next thing you know, he was putting the two together and was taking steps! He is now busy practicing his new skill. Wesley and Win are doing a great job cruising about and will walk with you when you hold their hands. They are close!
It is such fun to watch the boys change and to see their individual personalities shine. I will never label the boys, but I can describe their personalities (as they are right now). They are all very active and constantly on the move. They are all fun, curious boys with great big smiles.
Wesley loves making music/sounds. He loves to clap blocks together, bang on the large ball like a drum, rock his highchair back and forth so it slams on the ground, shake the handbells - anything that makes noise. He will also hum and run his finger up and down his lips to make a bub bub bub sound (I have no idea what this is called), but it's adorable. Win and Charlie love to make music as well, but it seems even more, they enjoy listening to it. They both dance (wiggle back and forth) every time they hear music.

Wesley loves his brothers so much! He, most of all, wants to play with his brothers, hug them, touch them. But he doesn't know his strength yet, so it often comes off as hair-pulling, scratching, tackling. But it's so sweet when you notice him rubbing his feet against Win's or playing with Charlie and his blanket and they are giggling non-stop. He is also very headstrong - if he sees something he wants, he will focus in as if he has blinders on.

Winston loves the attention of Mommy & Daddy. He wants to hug us, kiss us, practice standing up with us. He is very warm - he'll get a great big smile if he sees us or if he accomplishes something. As with Wes, Win is a bit of a flirt now when meeting new people. Apparently he quickly got over that stranger anxiety and now loves smiling and greeting new friends. But he will also let you know when he is frustrated!

Charlie is fearless and curious. As I mentioned awhile back, I put the new tunnel down and he zoomed right through. He loves books, and will sit and stare at every page, often moving his lips and whispering the sounds that he hears. Charlie also has a running commentary, he is constantly talking whether is during play or when eating something yummy. Though, he started out as our best eater, and is now showing us signs of his toddlerhood. A fun game (for him) is to now take the foods that he once loved, look right at me, and throw it over the side onto the floor. Fun!
One other thing that cracks us up is watching the boys with their blankets. Each has a big and small blanket in their crib. Win and Wesley love their small blankets and sleep with them over their faces. Charlie loves his big blanket. It is so funny to watch him slide the sides of the blanket through his hands, searching for the corners. And once he finds the corner, he shoves it deep in his mouth. So deep, you think there is no way he can breathe. Somehow this is soothing to him.
It is such fun to watch the boys change and to see their individual personalities shine. I will never label the boys, but I can describe their personalities (as they are right now). They are all very active and constantly on the move. They are all fun, curious boys with great big smiles.
Wesley loves making music/sounds. He loves to clap blocks together, bang on the large ball like a drum, rock his highchair back and forth so it slams on the ground, shake the handbells - anything that makes noise. He will also hum and run his finger up and down his lips to make a bub bub bub sound (I have no idea what this is called), but it's adorable. Win and Charlie love to make music as well, but it seems even more, they enjoy listening to it. They both dance (wiggle back and forth) every time they hear music.

Wesley loves his brothers so much! He, most of all, wants to play with his brothers, hug them, touch them. But he doesn't know his strength yet, so it often comes off as hair-pulling, scratching, tackling. But it's so sweet when you notice him rubbing his feet against Win's or playing with Charlie and his blanket and they are giggling non-stop. He is also very headstrong - if he sees something he wants, he will focus in as if he has blinders on.

Winston loves the attention of Mommy & Daddy. He wants to hug us, kiss us, practice standing up with us. He is very warm - he'll get a great big smile if he sees us or if he accomplishes something. As with Wes, Win is a bit of a flirt now when meeting new people. Apparently he quickly got over that stranger anxiety and now loves smiling and greeting new friends. But he will also let you know when he is frustrated!

Charlie is fearless and curious. As I mentioned awhile back, I put the new tunnel down and he zoomed right through. He loves books, and will sit and stare at every page, often moving his lips and whispering the sounds that he hears. Charlie also has a running commentary, he is constantly talking whether is during play or when eating something yummy. Though, he started out as our best eater, and is now showing us signs of his toddlerhood. A fun game (for him) is to now take the foods that he once loved, look right at me, and throw it over the side onto the floor. Fun!
One other thing that cracks us up is watching the boys with their blankets. Each has a big and small blanket in their crib. Win and Wesley love their small blankets and sleep with them over their faces. Charlie loves his big blanket. It is so funny to watch him slide the sides of the blanket through his hands, searching for the corners. And once he finds the corner, he shoves it deep in his mouth. So deep, you think there is no way he can breathe. Somehow this is soothing to him.
Monday, July 21, 2008
One year ago today, I looked like this...

This photo was the last of our belly shots, taken at 33 weeks, just days before I entered the hospital to give birth to the boys. As if you can't tell from the photo, I was huge. I was kicked and punched around my sides, under my ribs and everywhere else. The weight of my belly was tremendous - so much so that I would literally be crushed when I would have to lay on my back for ultrasounds. Rob would often comply with my requests and hold up my belly. He would carry the weight, relieving me for a few minutes. But with all that, I loved being pregnant. It was a wonderful experience to learn and know the boys before knowing them physically. And I never felt better about my body, despite the size.
I feel honored that God chose me to carry triplets, an experience few women get to enjoy. And we feel honored that He is carrying us through the experience of raising these wonderful little men.

This photo was the last of our belly shots, taken at 33 weeks, just days before I entered the hospital to give birth to the boys. As if you can't tell from the photo, I was huge. I was kicked and punched around my sides, under my ribs and everywhere else. The weight of my belly was tremendous - so much so that I would literally be crushed when I would have to lay on my back for ultrasounds. Rob would often comply with my requests and hold up my belly. He would carry the weight, relieving me for a few minutes. But with all that, I loved being pregnant. It was a wonderful experience to learn and know the boys before knowing them physically. And I never felt better about my body, despite the size.
I feel honored that God chose me to carry triplets, an experience few women get to enjoy. And we feel honored that He is carrying us through the experience of raising these wonderful little men.
Monday, July 14, 2008
More Maine
The boys waiting for Daddy at the door

The best part about the Cove is that it is filled with extended family. My Aunt Lois and cousin Kiki came by to meet the boys. We can't wait to meet Kiki's little girl, who is due to arrive in September. [As a side note, this photo of the boys cracks me up - Wes looks like he passed out and Winston appears to be balancing a coaster on his finger tip.]

Our family: Winston, Robbie, Wesley, Ginger & Charlie

The best part about the Cove is that it is filled with extended family. My Aunt Lois and cousin Kiki came by to meet the boys. We can't wait to meet Kiki's little girl, who is due to arrive in September. [As a side note, this photo of the boys cracks me up - Wes looks like he passed out and Winston appears to be balancing a coaster on his finger tip.]

Our family: Winston, Robbie, Wesley, Ginger & Charlie

Maine with Lala & 'Bias
Summer is finally here - we made it to Maine. I have been going to the same wonderful haven on the coast of Maine for my entire life - where my family has vacationed for four generations. The cottage we stay in was my Great Grandmother's, where I have memories of learning chopsticks on her piano. And to make the Cove even more special, Rob asked me to marry him while we picnicked on the rocks, nearly 7 years ago. So it is an absolute joy to share this place with the boys for the first time. Rob's sister Lori and her husband Tobias (Lala and 'Bias) came up for the weekend - a bit of a "babymoon" before their son is born in October!
The roadtrip

The boys were asleep by the time we arrived, so Rob quickly setup their pack and plays in the living room. We heard them wake up giggling.

Walking to the Groc (The Island Grocery) for provisions. The reason the Cove is so great is that there is so little to do. There is no TV, no internet - just long walks, fresh lobster cooked in ocean water, and games of Gin Rummy.

Hanging at the Groc

Meeting the lobsters (selecting that night's dinner)

Onkel 'Bias and Wesley

Tante Lala and Win

Lala playing with the boys on the porch (our makeshift playpen)

Wesley enjoying the view

Who needs toys when you have tables and chairs?

The roadtrip

The boys were asleep by the time we arrived, so Rob quickly setup their pack and plays in the living room. We heard them wake up giggling.

Walking to the Groc (The Island Grocery) for provisions. The reason the Cove is so great is that there is so little to do. There is no TV, no internet - just long walks, fresh lobster cooked in ocean water, and games of Gin Rummy.

Hanging at the Groc

Meeting the lobsters (selecting that night's dinner)

Onkel 'Bias and Wesley

Tante Lala and Win

Lala playing with the boys on the porch (our makeshift playpen)

Wesley enjoying the view

Who needs toys when you have tables and chairs?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Sun porch fun
I scrubbed the sun porch so that the boys could enjoy it as a play space. I figured it helps get them "outside" without me having to worry about pulling grass and twigs from their mouths every second like when we're in the backyard. I found this inflatable little ball pit and added a few other toys for the boys. And wouldn't you know...their favorite toys and games turned out to be banging the metal door, picking at the screens, trying to eat the spider plant, climbing on the cooler, etc.



Win and Charlie in the ball pit

Charlie and Wes banging on the door

Wesley also thought it was hysterical to kick the door and eat a spiderweb that I missed. And Charlie is in the forefront about to eat a plastic tube.



Win and Charlie in the ball pit

Charlie and Wes banging on the door

Wesley also thought it was hysterical to kick the door and eat a spiderweb that I missed. And Charlie is in the forefront about to eat a plastic tube.

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