The roadtrip

The boys were asleep by the time we arrived, so Rob quickly setup their pack and plays in the living room. We heard them wake up giggling.

Walking to the Groc (The Island Grocery) for provisions. The reason the Cove is so great is that there is so little to do. There is no TV, no internet - just long walks, fresh lobster cooked in ocean water, and games of Gin Rummy.

Hanging at the Groc

Meeting the lobsters (selecting that night's dinner)

Onkel 'Bias and Wesley

Tante Lala and Win

Lala playing with the boys on the porch (our makeshift playpen)

Wesley enjoying the view

Who needs toys when you have tables and chairs?

1 comment:
So will Bruce and I be allowed in Mass. if we have never eaten Lobster? I know Maine is out of the question but I did want to check on Mass!!
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